Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions to help you get all the information you need. If you have further doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here for you!

Certiblok Document Relationship Management - FAQ

What services does the Free version of Certiblok provide and the paid ones?

Here you will find all the solutions offered by Certiblok for the use best suited to your needs.

How do I know when I am running out of available space or free services?

How do I know when I am running out of available space or free services?
In the left menu section at the bottom, there is a counter that tells you how much space you have taken up and how far you are from reaching the maximum threshold of your subscription. Should you need to, in the management section of your account, you can upgrade to the next level of your subscription or add space at your convenience.

How many people can access the Certiblok account?

Depending on the type of account (free or paid) you have signed up for, you are entitled to a certain number of participants in your company’s Employee Team. Check your account type and find out how many contributors you can add to your team

What is a Certiblok Team?

It is your team of corporate collaborators. To be part of the Team, simply register individually with Certiblok. Indicate, during registration, the company you belong to and wait for the administrator to accept your membership request.
Once you are part of the Team you will be able to view, upload and share documents depending on your level of atuorization.

Is it possible to change the administrator of the Certiblok account?

Yes, however, the operation is only feasible if you designate a new account administrator.

Can I close a Certiblok account?

Yes, it is all manageable by accessing your account profile, which is located at the bottom left of the platform. Select the Settings item and select Delete Account. You will need to pass administrator privileges to someone else before completing the operation, in case you are the administrator of the company account

What do I find in the Dashboard?

The Dashboard is your daily dashboard. Certiblok informs you of documents due, incoming documents, how many active audit rooms, requests sent, and how many audit rooms are in progress. In one place all the most important information of the day.
Also from the Dashboard you can upload new documents or request the documents you need.

How do I create a contact list?

There is an automatic insertion, into the contact list, whenever you send a link to someone, not yet on the list, or receive a document by someone.

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